Put [yourchannel user="your username" video="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3dVDn1A4C8"]
Or [yourchannel user="your username" video="e3dVDn1A4C8"]
You can also leave the user="..." part, now your shortcode'll look like: [yourchannel video="e3dVDn1A4C8"]. Any styles needed will be taken from the first channel you have in YourChannel page.
Show video by getting video IDs from URL
Add ?v=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3dVDn1A4C8 to your site URL and put [yourchannel video_from="url_parameter" url_parameter="v"] in your post. You can use any term in place of the v, they just need to be same in both URL and url_parameter field of shortcode. You can enter multiple video URLs or IDs separated by commas in the URL and YourChannel will show multiple videos one after another.
Show video from search results
Add [yourchannel video_from="search" search="what to search"] to the post and it'll show first video from the search results. You can show multiple videos by adding limit="n" to shortcode, replace n with a number.
Show video from a playlist
Add [yourchannel video_from="playlist" playlist="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3dVDn1A4C8&list=RDe3dVDn1A4C8"] to the post and it'll show first video from the playlist. You can show multiple videos by adding limit="n" to shortcode, replace n with a number.
Show channels / streams
Show a channel
Add [yourchannel user="your username"] to your post. This will show the channel you created in YourChannel page. Copy & Paste the shortcode in YourChannel page.
Show a different channel
Add [yourchannel user="your username" channel="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnOTVWVaIh3NoJsbwq4Tucg"] to your post. This will show everything (Banner, Videos, Playlists) of this channel in shortcode.
Show videos from a playlist in Videos tab
Add playlist="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3dVDn1A4C8&list=RDe3dVDn1A4C8" to the shortcode.
Show videos by a search term in Videos tab
Add search="what to search" to the shortcode. Add own="1" to shortcode if you want to restrict the search to your channel. You can also add channel="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEkBEbI7ME92qqjMjqvuIQA" to shortcode to search any specific channel.
Show videos from a custom playlist
Add custom="custom_playlist_name" to the shortcode. You must have created a custom playlist in YourChannel page with the name custom_playlist_name. You can also create custom playlists in the shortcode itself, add custom="3pLWskANffo,jNebrSB-r7Q" (video IDs or URLs separated by commas) to shortcode.
Other important options
Autoplay video
Add autoplay="1" to the shortcode. Add autoplay="" if the channel has autoplay enabled in its form in YourChannel page and you want to disable it for this shortcode. *This option only works with single videos in Free version.
Sticky (Floating) player
Add sticky="1" to shortcode to make player for this shortcode sticky when user scrolls out of view. You can customise more sticky options in Style > Show Options > Sticky Player section of YourChannel form.
Add limit="n" to shortcode to show n videos per load. Add max="n" to show maximum of n videos (There'll be no Load more button after this many videos are shown).
We use some workarounds to show ads in videos that are autoplayed (YouTube doesn't show ads in videos that are not just iframe embeds without autoplay). Because of this, you might notice sometimes videos don't start playing immediately, add ads="" to shortcode to fix this (you won't see ads). But you'll generally not notice the delay caused by workaround.
Video start time
Add start="n" to the shortcode. Replace n with number of seconds to start at.
Initial player volume
Add volume="n" to the shortcode. Replace n with a number between 0 and 100.
Rich player
Add show_meta="1" to show player title, uploader & statistics under the player. Add show_desc="1" to show description. And add show_comments="1" to show comments.
Add sortby="sorting_method" to shortcode to sort videos in a certain way. sorting_method must be one of date, rating, viewCount or title.